ICCTA / ICCSA College Bowl
2001 Winners1st Place Joliet Junior College
 Coach Bill Yarrow (left) has led Joliet Junior College to three consecutive College Bowl victories.
Jeff Constien Michael Howard Casey Ostrowski Christopher Prola Bill Yarrow, coach Each member of the 1st Place team has received a $300 scholarship for fall 2001
2nd Place Oakton Community College
 Coach Ann Marie Barry (left) and Oakton Community College's College Bowl team celebrate their 2nd-place finish.
Charles Fogelman Dan Horwitz Chris Jentel Jeff Romanek Mick Zelski Ann Marie Barry, coach Each team member has received a $100 scholarship for fall 2001
3rd Place Illinois Central College
 Coach Helen Krause (left) shares the 3rd-place spotlight with members of Illinois Central College's College Bowl team.
Jeremy Light Kelli Noble Jared Shepherd Laura Wilcoxen Helen Krause, coach Each team member has received a $50 scholarship for fall 2001