Trustee Takeaways

Welcome to ICCTA’s online trustee education program!

This video series has been developed to enrich the knowledge of Illinois community college board members, especially those who are newly elected or appointed to their positions.

We hope that these videos provide you with the information and education needed to optimize your performance as a public official representing your institution and district.

ICCTA’s Trustee Takeaways augment but does not replace the statutory requirement to complete the state of Illinois’ Open Meeting Act electronic training for public officials. Nor does it replace the four hours of bi-annual professional development leadership training mandated by Illinois Public Act 99-692. An online version of ICCTA's 2023-2025 mandatory trustee training will available in fall 2023.

The Trustees Association welcomes your suggestions for future Trustee Takeaways videos. Please contact us at [email protected] or 1-800-454-2282.


Click HERE to view the Trustee Takeaway videos (member log-in required)